Tuesday 11 August 2009

Decisions, decisions...

Ok people. It has been a very busy period for me these last few weeks. I have however rustled up some things to get the ball rolling again with this here blog-athon.

There a few things I need a little help deciding. Three things to be precise.

Here is the first.

1. Music
I have been trawling the net and Spotify trying to find some cool urban laid back beats that would pass the test to be the music of Mousetown. Out of what I found one band really caught my attention, this band go by the name; Bohren & Der Club Of Gore. Give it a click, it's a Spotify URL link.

I would really appreciate some folks letting me know what they think. If you aren't sure about the visuals that will match the music have a little look at the tow videos in the video bar just to the side there. If you have any comments or suggestions for other bands just leave a little note on this here blog.

2. Film Noir Moments.
I intend for the 'cut-scenes' in Mousetown to visually represent the most famous film noir moments. Problem is I do not have the time to know all of these moments. So, if you know of any film noir moment that you feel is particularly wonderful in then drop my a line, again on this blog, and I'll check it out!

3. Also Mr. Michael Smoke needs a lucky item. This item harks back to a confrontation that he and his former partner had with some old town mobsters.
'Michael and his partner Lucas Fox were on a case, a big case. They didn't realise how big though. The guys they were tracking were not just mobsters, they were Old Town Mobsters. Real prestigious in the mob circle. They were investigating potential collusion with the MPD (Mousetown Police Dept). These guys weren't rookies though and quickly cottoned on to their tail. They led Michael and lucas down a dead end. Trapping them. Their was a shoot out. They got chased up a set of fire escape stairs, to the top of a tall building. Once up there the shoot out carried on, Michael was pinned down as Lucas made a shot on one of the mobsters, injuring him badly. The mobsters began to flee and Lucas moved out into the open. He was standing to close to the edge of the building, Michael was just watching from his covered position. One of the mobsters turned back and took a pot shot back towards Lucas. It caught him in his shoulder, just grazing him. It was enough to make him step back though, teetering on the edge of the building. Michael got up quick, raced over to lucas and grabbed him just before it was to late. The traffic passed underneath, the sounds of the city a haze in Michael's head as tried to get a better grip of Lucas than just (1. Badge, 2. jacket 3. ?????). Lucas was slipping though, the wound was enough to leave him weakened. Michael was still not able to reaffirm his grip. The (1,2,3) gave way and Michael watched Lucas fall to his death.'

This is a very very very rough draft of the story etc, but you get the point. Does he have a broken button? A Bent Badge? A damaged Belt Buckle? or something else?

What does Michael Smoke hold onto to help him remember how cliched the moment was his dear friend and partner fell to his death? Help me to deicide! Leave a little comment!

3. Things in Mousetown would be oddly familiar to us humans. Things like their phone box's, which are old drinks cans. and their lampshades in the factories which are old yoghurts pots. Can you think of any thing else that these highly resourceful creatures recycle to make their lives easier and visually quirkier?

Leave a comment let me know ;)

For now,
