Saturday 27 June 2009

And so it begins...

Well actually it began a long time ago. In fact I suppose it began when I played Discworld on the Sega Saturn. My first point and click adventure experience. The game didn't make much sense to me at the time. To a twelve year old boy it was mind numbingly cryptic, but I kept patience. I persevered and completed it in a record time of just under a year. I thought it was one of a kind, original in style and form. See I didn't have a PC capable of anything other than floppy discs at the time and didn't really use it for games, just reformatting for fun. Which got boring.
I then saw a friend playing Monkey Island 3, or rather his Dad was playing it and we were allowed to watch, 'It was too complicated' for kids apparently', (perhaps on mega monkey mode!). Well this got me researching and I checked out this whole 'point and click' thing.

I had just put a CDROM drive into my 486. This opened up the 'Sold Out Software' branch of games. My research informed me that I could pick up 'Broken Sword: Shadow of the Templars' for a mere five pounds. This was the best move I made in my life, even better than getting engaged. This really gave me the taste for a good solid narrative in a game. Obviously I then moved onto more 'Point and Clicks', the famous ones, the Lucas Arts and such.

This taste for Narrative in electronic forms fulled my Undergraduate degree, I made interactive movies combining Live action and still photography panoramas. This wasn't enough though I wanted to make a 'Point and Click'.

So here it is, a blog that will cover the developmental stages and so on until the day of completion. Maybe then Charles Cecil will employ me to come and work for Revolution Software making the next Broken Sword game...

1 comment:

  1. hey chris, this is very nice, cool, sweet, very good work! mouse on, michael wadleigh
